Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Photojournalism Through My Eyes

Photojournalism. When looking at the word, one would think its meaning is pretty simple, journalism through photos. The complexity of it comes from how we as individuals each interpret the meaning differently. What do I think of when I hear the word photojournalism? I think of the past centuries that were documented through photographs, allowing the people of today a glimpse of what life was like back then. I think of the photographs of extinct animals, proving that they once were in existence. I think of how it allows people to realize change, then and now photos. I think of where we live, New England, and how photos capture the transition between seasons.

Photojournalism is everywhere. It sounds like such a professional word but can be seen in some of the most unprofessional places.  Photojournalism can be witnessed on the nightly news, internet advertisements, gossip magazines and scholarly text books. Photojournalism can be used to tell a story or leave the story telling to the imagination of the viewer.

Personally, my favorite photos come from nature. Photographs of sunsets or autumn scenery are some of my favorites. Photos like those make me appreciate the simple, little things in life that are so easily overlooked and taken for granted.

Photo by John Shaw
Image Source: http://www.johnshawphoto.com